Book Events

Emergency Planning Course: Online
The Emergency Planning Online Course, delivered by Harwell Document Restoration Services over two half-day sessions, is designed to support your museum to develop an effective emergency plan. Session 1: Tuesday 1 April, 10am-12.30pm The first session will focus on: Effective incident response for water damage incidents, including risk assessment and containment Dealing with fire situations, […]

Elevenses, Wednesday 9 April, Making the Most of the Annual Museums Survey
The Annual Museum Survey provides a comprehensive report on the operating context of museums in England. The 2024 findings highlight the ongoing impact of the cost-of-living crisis, changing markets and the resulting pressures placed on these institutions. Head of Museum Development North, Michael Turnpenny will summarise the 2024 results and explore how you can use […]

Seeds for Action: In Focus – Journey to Net Zero
This session is for you if you are interested in: – creating a plan to reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint, – finding ways to prioritise and embed this work across your museum. There will be a lightening talk from Md Fahim Azraf Khan, Environmental Manager at London Transport Museum. Fahim will share how Carbon Literacy […]

Emergency Salvage Workshop at the Discovery Centre, Leeds
The Emergency Salvage Workshop, a half-day session delivered by Harwell Document Restoration Services, will support museum staff and volunteers to develop skills in emergency response including: Incident containment and methods to deal with leaks Risk assessment, salvage set-up and triage Handling and triage decision making by object type Using disaster kits Practical exercises with mock […]

Emergency Salvage Workshop at the Discovery Centre, Leeds
The Emergency Salvage Workshop, a half-day session delivered by Harwell Document Restoration Services, will support museum staff and volunteers to develop skills in emergency response including: Incident containment and methods to deal with leaks Risk assessment, salvage set-up and triage Handling and triage decision making by object type Using disaster kits Practical exercises with mock […]

Collections Trust, Documentation in Practice Online Symposium
Collections Trust and the Museum Development England Network are working in partnership to deliver this online symposium focussing on collections documentation through interactive sessions and inspiring case studies. The emphasis will be on a practical approach to day-to-day collections management and there will be lots of opportunities to ask questions during the day. Speakers are […]

MD North Forum: Museum of Liverpool, Tuesday 29 April 2025
Our museum forums offer you “a professional day out” – a chance to catch up with your museum colleagues in the region, visit an interesting venue, get the most out of being at a site, hear some interesting case studies – and enjoy being out in a different museum with different colleagues! Forums usually start […]

A brief introduction to the Spectrum standard
This online session delivered by the Collections Trust will offer a basic introduction to the Spectrum collections management standard. It will cover: An explanation of the layout of a Spectrum procedure including definition, minimum requirements and suggested procedure. The relationship between the Spectrum standard and Accreditation. A brief overview of the nine primary procedure definitions. Signposting […]

Documentation planning
This online session delivered in partnership with the Collections Trust will explore what to consider when creating a documentation plan, using the Spectrum 5.1 Documentation planning procedure as a framework. We will discuss: what might prompt documentation planning; how you can identify projects and priorities for your documentation plan; how you can create a realistic plan to address […]

A brief introduction to Object entry
This online session delivered by the Collections Trust will offer a basic overview of the Spectrum Object entry procedure. It will cover: How the procedure relates to Accreditation and policy. The procedure’s definition and scope, explaining key concepts and terms. The Spectrum minimum requirements, with brief examples of how to meet them. Where to find the Spectrum suggested […]