Accreditation Refresher: Forward Planning

Each refresher session will provide museums with:

  • An overview of key topics
  • Top tips for meeting this area of the Accreditation standard
  • Opportunities to ask questions and discuss issues
  • Signposting and links to helpful resources
  • Networking and sharing with museums from across all regions

Our aim is for participants to leave the session with increased knowledge and understanding of the topic plus the confidence to implement this area of the Museum Accreditation standard.

There are 25 places on each workshop. Places are available for museums in the north of England which are not funded by central government. If there are more than two delegates from a single museum booked on a workshop we reserve the right to amend delegate lists to allow museums from the waiting list to participate.

The return schedule has been published up to March 2025. If your museum is not yet on the list, you do not need to wait for an invitation to begin preparing your return, especially if you know you have policies and plans that are due for a review or update soon. Museums are expected to maintain Accreditation standards between returns and these workshops provide a refresher to assess your organisation against the standard. See Arts Council England’s guidance on  Maintaining the requirements of the Accreditation standard between returns for more information.

These interactive online workshops will be hosted by MD North’s Accreditation Advisers, Emma Chaplin and Heather Lomas.
