Elevenses, Wednesday 11 December, Key Findings and Recommendations relating to Emergency Preparedness

We have heard a lot of anecdotal evidence in the last few years that our museums are increasingly experiencing emergencies – many of them weather related – that pose a threat to their collections. In 2023 we commissioned Ste Lingard, an independent researcher to find out about your experience of emergencies in recent years, your perception of the changing risks and what types of support you would find most useful to enhance your museum’s resilience. He also looked at examples of support and networks in the North and neighbouring regions, to see what could be learned from them. The research attracted a very good response.
In this session Ste will tell us about the research, focusing on the key findings and recommendations. Kaye Hardyman will outline Museum Development North’s perspective and potential next steps, before we open things to discussion.
To see the full Emergency Preparedness Report for the North-West click here and for the North-East and Yorkshire click here.
Insightful, interactive and informal, come along to gain new insights from our guests, meet colleagues from the region, and connect with the MDN team. Everyone who works and volunteers in museums is most welcome, including museum freelancers who want to stay connected.
There’s no need to book, just click the link below on the day:
If you will be using a screen reader to access the session, then please get in touch and we will adapt the format to ensure it is accessible for you. For this, other access queries, or any other questions please contact Sue Hughes at: sue.hughes@museumdevelopmentnorth.org.uk.