North Yorkshire Museum Forum

Our museum forums offer you “a professional day out” – a chance to catch up with your museum colleagues in the region, visit an interesting venue, get the most out of being at a site, hear some interesting case studies – and enjoy being out in a different museum with different colleagues!
Forums usually start with tea and coffee from 10am and introductions from 10:30am. A delicious, complimentary lunch is provided. Meetings usually finish around 3:30-4pm.
Every forum will involve a chance to view and discuss at least one aspect of the host site, hear short case studies from different speakers, and share brief updates with colleagues.
The theme of this forum is Growing Your Audience: Our North Yorkshire Museum Forum will focus on how you can gain a better understanding of how potential visitors perceive your organisation and how you can respond positively to improve visitor experience and grow your audience.
10:00-10.30 Arrival and Refreshments
10.30-10:45 Introduction the Georgian Theatre Royal Jo Mawhinney, Chief Executive
10:45-11:00 MD North Welcome & Introduction to the day Alan Bentley, Museum Development Adviser, Museum Development North
11:00–11:25 Marie Woods, Chief Executive, Land of Iron
11:25-11.50 Helen Suckling, Partnership & Commercial Manager, Visit North Yorkshire, Introduction to Visit North Yorkshire
11.50-12.50 Tour of the Theatre – the auditorium is accessible to all, but please note there may be some physical access issues with the dressing rooms and under stage areas of the tour
12.50-1.20 Lunch
1.20-1.45 Samantha Jennings, Marketing Manager, Kiplin Hall
1.45-2.10 Clare Hunt, Principal Curator and Muskaan Gandhi, Curator (co-production), National Museum of the Royal Navy Hartlepool, Secrets of an Indian Ship: Addressing Empire at the National Museum of the Royal Navy Hartlepool
2.10-2.35 Laura Godwin, Audience Analyst, York Museums Trust, Thinking Critically About Audience Needs
2.35-3.10 Sharing Updates
3.10-3.30 Closing Discussion, MD North Thanks & Signposting, Alan Bentley, Museum Development Adviser, Museum Development North
Whilst we hope there’s something in the plan for the day that appeals to you, we often find that it’s the unexpected and spontaneous conversations that spark most ideas and opportunities! So, join us for a refreshing, professional day out and see what fresh thinking you can gain.
For more information, please contact:
The Georgian Theatre Royal
Victoria Road, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL10 4DW