
Museocycle is our museum-focused recycling scheme encouraging Northern museums to give away unwanted display, storage and equipment to other museums, to avoid material going to landfill. The types of material that can be listed include display cases, plan chests, shop fittings, stores racking, display boards, events/cafe tables, storage boxes, exhibition plinths, etc. Whilst they may not be in pristine condition, they do have to be of sufficient quality for another museum to be able to use them. You can also submit an item request.
To use this service, please complete the appropriate form and send photographs to Sue Hughes (
By completing the form you agree to our terms of use (see below). We reserve the right to not advertise any listings we deem inappropriate.
Sites will need to organise transportation/delivery themselves; the description will detail whether pick-up or postal services will be needed.
If you find an item that you would like to take, please get in the contact with the person listed next to the item.